How to fill Registration Form
1. Field mark with * is compulsory to fill.
2. Applicant should have valid E-mail id.
3. Username & Password to access application login page will be sent to applicant’s E-mail id, which is provided in registration form.
Step 3 : Fill registration form
- Enter all the relevant and true information in each field.
- After selecting specific District, select respective Taluko/Municipality/Corporation from its Drop-down list.
- Similarly after selecting correct Taluko/Municipality/Corporation further select City/Village of that Taluko from its Drop-down list.
- Enter same E-mail id in "Enter E-mail again”.
- Select Secondary or Higher Secondary Application from list for which you are applying as shown above.
- After filling all required details enter the generated number correctly in the box which is seen on the screen.
- Now finally click on
- When you click on submit button it will show message "You have registered successfully. You will get User Name, Password and Login URL on given Email Address”.
- Now check mail box to get username and password that has been sent to your email-id which is provided in the form.
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